Year 1 Class Blog

Date: 11th Sep 2016 @ 6:24pm



28th April 2107

This week we have continued with our Bog Baby work. We have been writing the dos and don'ts for how to look after a Bog Baby. We will think about what we need to catch a Bog Baby and then we will write instructions for catching one.

In maths this week we have continued with place value. Making sure we can count forwards and backwards from any number.

Enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend!


21st April 2017

I hope you all had a lovely Easter holidays. It was so nice to have some nice weather, let's hope it continues. Please could I remind you to make sure your child has a water bottle in school. It gets very warm in our classroom, we have many windows and the sun shines in for most of the day.

This week we have been hearing about all your lovely holidays and the children have enjoyed writing a recount of them. We have been working on some grammar skills too. Putting words in the past tense by adding ed. We are continuing to practise phonics and spelling daily. The children are confidently using these in their writing, which is great to see. Please continue to practise the spellings sent home.

24th March 2017

It was great to see you all this week at Parent's Evening. Mrs Whitney and I always enjoy speaking to you about your children and their achievements.

Great news Little Ted has been found. Hiding in the back of the cupboard all along!!

This week we finally finished our stories and they have now been published. You can find them in the reading area. The children have enjoyed reading ans listening to each others stories.

In maths this week we have continued with measuring. This week we have looked at the capacity of different containers.

17th March 2017

We had a lovely start to the week. We spent the day clearing the Wild Area, working with Reception. The children were very enthusiastic and the weather was kind too! We just have 200 trees to plant!

We have had an incident this week. My Teddy Bear has gone missing! I have had this bear since I was a baby and the children were very worried that he was lost. they decided to make posters to tell everyone to look out for him. You may have seen the posters around school. They have written a very accurate description of him. Let’s hope he turns up soon!

In maths this week we have started working on measures. We have been comparing the weight of different objects and using non standard measures to compare them.

This week we have added to our collection of creatures in the classroom. we have been to the pond and have collected some frogspawn. We have made a pond in the classroom, so we can observe them closely.

10th March 2017

This week Mr Smith joined us in Year 1. The children have loved having him in the class. Mr Smith will be working with us until July.

We also welcomed two more visitors to our classroom. Ollie and his mum have let us foster two of their baby tortoises. I am sure you will want to come in and have a look!

In maths this week we have been working on fractions of an amount. Halves and quarters.

3rd March 2017

Welcome back! I hope you had a great half term. This term we will be welcoming a Student Teacher, Mr Smith. He will be working with us in class from next week. I am sure you will all make him very welcome. This is another short term, so we have got lots planned and will try and squeeze it all in!

We had a lovely day on Thursday celebrating World Book Day. The children all looked great in their hats!

We are continuing with Lost in the Toy museum and our stories are looking fantastic. Exciting news in Year 1! We have been working hard on our cursive writing and we have been given special permission to join our letters! We will start joing all except the ones which don't finish on the line (w, v, r, o, u).

This half term we have Toby the Tennis coach from Cuddington and Sandiway Tennis Club coaching us each Wednesday morning.

17th February 2017

I can't believe we are at half term already. As Mr Priddey keeps reminding us, half way through the school year!

This week we have been learning the story Lost in the Toy Museum. We have focussed on the phrases and the words, magpieing(stealing) the ones we like for our own stories!

10th February 2017

We have been so inspired by the visit from Tina the Trex, this week we finaly started out topic on Toys! We have been reading a great book called Lost in the Toy Museum by David Lucas. The children have been describing characters from the story.

In maths this week we have continued wth multiplication and division, focussing on halving and doubling.

3rd February 2017

This week we have had our European Languages Day. The children have enjoyed learning all about the Year 1 country which was Germany. Thank you to Mattis' Mum who really helped us make this day a great success.

We tasted German foods, learnt simple phrases, discovered where Germany was and what German people enjoyed doing.

In maths this week we have been working on multiplication. Counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.


27th January 2017

We have continued with the Dinosaur theme and have been reading books about dinosaur. The children have enjoyed teaching each other facts about dinosaurs as they have learn them. We have made a dinosaur fact area in the classroom and the children have loved going in in here to do some independent research.

We have continued with addition and subtraction. This week adding 10 to any number. We used practical equipment to help us


20th January 2017

This week has been very exciting. We had a visitor from a real life T Rex! This was an amazing experience and the children loved every minute. Photos can be seen in our gallery.

In maths we have been working on our addition and subtraction skills. Working on number bonds to 20 and corresponding subtraction facts.

Knowing that:






13th January 2017

Christmas seems like a distant memory!

The children have all come back to school excited and ready to learn. This week in maths we have learnt about time. We have used just the hour hand to learn to tell the time to o'clock and half past. Everyone was brilliant at this; we will introduce the minute hand when we return to this topic later in the year.

In English we have been writing about our New Year's Resolution, thinking about what we would like to get better at.

We have started a new science topic - Materials. This week we went on a scavenger hunt looking for different objects that would fit a criteria.


Happy Christmas Everyone!

Mrs Whitney and I would like to thank everyone for all our fabulous Christmas presents, 


Friday 16th December

This week we are continuing to keep busy, the children are very tired but certainly ready for a holiday but we still have a lot to fit in! We enjoyed a fantastic Christmas lunch this week and the children all made hats for the occasion. We have been having our final rehearsals andyesterday all the children put their costumes on and they all look great. Thank you for all your support with this.

In maths this week we have been learning about fractions, and this will help us next term when we start work on time.

Friday 9th December

The children have continued to work hard and are getting very excited about Christmas. We have been practising our Christmas performance of ‘Lights, Camel, and Action’ but have still managed to squeeze in lots of opportunities for our work.

In maths we are working on 3D and 2D shapes, learning names and the properties of each shape. How many faces, edges, and corners does each shape have?

In English we have continued working on our Goldilocks book. We are beginning to feel like real life authors.


Thursday 1st December

Well, I can't believe we are in December already! The children are working hard on their Goldilocks stories this week. We are spending days being either authors or illustrators. Working hard to add lots of great story language to our stories.

We have also worked hard on making collage pictures of Goldilocks. These are being put up in the classroom as soon as they are finished.

In maths this week we have practised recognising 3d shapes, we are starting to think about their different properties.


Friday 25th November

We have had an exciting week this week. We started with an art day on Monday. This is part of a whole school project on the -How to Live For Ever by Colin Thompson, Look out next week, it will start to be put up in the Entrance Hall.

We had our fabulous trip to Delamere on Thursday. Fun was had by all! You deserve a rest this weekend! Look out for photos in the gallery.

In English this week we have been reading Goldilocks by Lauren Child and have planned out our story map.

In maths we have been sharing and dividing equally.


Friday 18th November

This week we have started reading Goldilocks by Lauren Child. We have looked at the characters and the setting.

In maths this week we have continued to practise counting in 2's 5's and 10's. We have used dabbers to make arrays and have written repeated addition problems for these.

It was lovely to see all of you this week and chat about how your children are progressing.


Friday 11th November

Welcome back and I hope you all had a great holiday!

This week we have been learning about the Gunpowder Plot. The children have enjoyed sharing their experiences of bonfire night.

In maths we have been looking at the number system and working out missing numbers, using practical equipment to make  2 digit number. Some children have also been reasoning and explaining number patterns.


Friday 28th October

This week we have used our experience of making apple crumble to write instructions. Using verbs at the beginning of the instruction. Rememberingcapital letters and full stops.

In maths we have been measuring using non standard and standard units (cm). Learning to use a ruler carefully.

In Geography we have been making maps of the school grounds. Working as a team and using google earth as a visual guide.

Friday 14th October

This week we have finished our stories for James and the Giant Peach. They are all fantastic and the children are really proud of them. They loved sharing them with their Year 4 partners on Friday afternnon. Thank you Year 4 for your lovely coments!

In maths we have continued to work on addition and subtraction. Next week we will be using these skills to help us solve problems using money.

We have explored the school grounds in preparation for our geography map work next week.

We have had a fabulous morning making Apple Crumble. Having all 30 children making crumble at the same time was a challenge but a very enjoyable one, super listening and following instructions brilliantly. We will be using this experience to write instructions in English next week.

Friday 7th October

Next week I will be sending home a laminated handwriting sheet for you to keep at home. We practice handwriting regularly in class and this is something we will be focusing on this term. I will also be sending home a copy of the phonics your child is working on.

In maths this week we have been working on addition and subtraction. I have introduced the children to different ways of combining number: using objects, counting on, the Singapore bar method and next week we will be using number lines too.

We will be completing our story of James and the Giant peach and we will then focus more on our topic Out and About.

Friday 30th September

What a great day we have all had. The children (and teachers) have loved dressing up as a Roald Dahl Character!

This week we have started our story of James and the Giant Peach and the children have enjoyed getting into role. Acting out parts of it and putting actions to the words they want to write.

In science we have been looking for signs of Autumn and we will continue this in a couple of weeks when the weather is more autumnal!

In maths we have finished our first session on place value and next week we will start addition and subtraction work.

In phonics we are continuing to work in our phonics groups, with children learning new phase 5 graphemes and/or phase 3 graphemes.

Friday 23rd September

Our whole school theme this week was respect and the children have worked really hard on this, scoring a high 5.

In maths this week we have continued with place value and will continue with this next week too.

In English we have started putting together a storyboard for james and the giant Peach- the story so far. Next week we will start to write a section of the story.


Friday 16th September 2016

We have had a busy week. The children have continued to show a super attitude to school, work and play. The whole school theme this week was behaviour and all the children were fantastic.

In literacy this week we have continued looking at our scrapbooks and continued the summer theme by putting together a class poem on A Day At the Seaside. We used Shirley Hughes' poem Seaside as stimulus, all had great ideas and all worked in small groups to think of fantastic lines for our poem.

We are thinking ahead to our Bookfest Day with a Roald Dahl theme and we have started reading James and the Giant Peach as a class. Very exciting and the children have listened brilliantly to this longer chapter book!

In maths we have continued working on place value and the children have worked hard on 1 less/ 1 more than a number. We have also practiced reading and writing numbers as words. This is quite a challenge and will be something we will continue to work on through the year.

In Science this week we discussed the question: Do taller people have bigger feet? This involved a lot of discussion, measuring and comparing! Great science language used too.


Friday 9th September 2016

What a great start!

We have had a busy week in Year 1 getting to know each other. Mrs Whitney and I have loved hearing about your summer. The children are very proud of their scapbooks and quite rightly so. We will continue sharing them over the next few weeks.


In maths this week we have been counting, ordering and reading numbers as numerals and words.


In English the children have all written postcards telling me about their summer. Super writing!

We have also started reading James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl


Sandiway Primary School

Weaverham Road, Sandiway, Cheshire, CW8 2ND