Curriculum Impact
This is what you might typically see:
- Happy and engaged learners
- A variety of independent, paired and group work
- Exploratory work, practise and high quality final pieces
- Engagement and perseverance
- Self-motivated children
- Children talking positively about the curriculum, sharing and reflecting on their learning
This is how we know how well our pupils are doing:
- Observations of work being produced, books.
- Verbal feedback from teacher to pupil
- Verbal feedback from pupil to teacher/TA
- Pupil voice conversations with Subject Leaders/ SLT
- Photo evidence on Seesaw
- Monitoring of children’s progress over time
- Assessments (low stakes quizzes, termly tests, statutory tests)
This is the impact of the teaching:
- Confident children who can talk about their learning in different subject areas.
- Children who are enjoying their learning.
- Children who want to know more.
Children who are equipped with a range of knowledge, skills and techniques to enable them to become lifelong learners