Sports Funding

The Government is providing additional funding of £16,000 for the first 16 eligible children, plus £10 per extra child to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. This funding is allocated to primary school Headteachers to strategically plan for; our allocation is £17,830

This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in schools. Details of how this was spent and its impact is shown in our annual evaluation and details of how we intend to spend our money is detailed in our statement of intent.

Eligible schools

Funding for schools will be calculated by reference to the number of primary-aged pupils (between the ages of 5 and 11), as recorded in the annual schools census.

What are we spending our money on?

We will spend a proportion of our money on providing professional development to teachers. This takes the form of specialist coaches in cricket and tennis who teach each class throughout the school, while the teacher participates and watches how they teach. We also have a specialist teacher from Weaverham High School who carries out co-delivery sessions with 4 teachers per year which involves both coaching and joint teaching of an aspect of the P.E curriculum, thus improving teacher's confidence and ability in teaching. We also use part of the money to buy into competitive inter school sports and the following:

  • A young sports leader programme

  • The co-ordination of a competitive sporting calendar 

  • More flexible inter-school competitions including A,B & C teams

  • Opportunities for pupils with additional needs to take part in competitive sport

  • Opportunities to support well-being/mental health through outdoor forest/woodland-based activities
  • Swimming programme enhancements

  • CPD Programme including SL training, Sport Specific training, SL networking, Inclusion training

  • Out-of hours clubs in new sporting activities such as judo and street dance.

The remaining money has enabled us to improve our sports equipment such as badminton equipment, tennis nets, basketballs, footballs and cricket equipment.

A register is kept of which children have attanded out-of-hours sports clubs and which children have competed for the school in inter and intra competitive events. Those children who have not participated in anything are targetted and encouraged to join clubs and compete for the school.

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