Year 3 2023 - 2024

Mrs Atkinson


Our Year Three Team..

Mrs Atkinson is the Class Teacher. 

Mrs Tucker teaches PSHE, RE and Music every Wednesday morning

Miss Dalton and Mrs McCann are our wonderful Teaching Assistants. 

Weekly Homework can be found HERE



Our Residential this Term is to Burwardsley.

If you couldn't make the meeting the Powerpoint can be found here. The kit list is available in files.


A warm welcome to the Year Three class page. Here you will find information about the year ahead, including a sample of our timetable, an overview of what will be taught each term and your weekly homework. 

Mrs Atkinson

If there is anything you wish to discuss in more detail, please contact the office to arrange an appointment with myself or send me an email via 

the-more-that-you-read_dr-seuss_quote.jpg All the children are encouraged to read across the curriculum and at every opportunity.   


Year 3 Summer Term Readalouds...

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A Few Reminders:

PE: Children have PE every Tuesday  and Thursday this half term. Children should come dressed in their PE kit on these days. 

Water: Children are encouraged to bring in a bottle of water each day which they can access at any time.  Please ensure your child’s name is on their bottle. Sunscreen and a sunhat may also be needed.

Snack: If you wish to send in a snack, please make sure it is healthy - no chocolate, crisps or sweets. We are a nut free school. Snack can also be purchased from the school kitchen using credit on your child’s dinner money account.

Summer 2024 Timetable

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The Curriculum

For more detail about our Summer term topics, please click here. You can also keep up-to-date with what we have been doing by logging into Seesaw.


In the Summer Term be using the fantastic text: Journey by Aaron Becker. We will develop spoken language, reading and writing skills with this unit. 

After half term we will be using the fabulous: Zeraffa Girraffa by Diane Hoffmeyer and we will be writing an illustrated and informative guide for visiting Zeraffa at the Jardin des Plantes in Paris.



Summer 1

Summer 2

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In maths this term we will also be covering: Fractions, Money, Time, Shape, Statistics and mass and capacity.

For further curriculum information, Please click here for the Year 3 Summer Curriculum Overview. 

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Forest School, by Mrs Segrott

Forest School, by Mrs Segrott

Forest School, by Mrs Segrott