Year 6 2023 - 2024

Miss Selby-Hughes

Year 6 2023-2024

Miss Selby-Hughes

Welcome to Year 6!

Click here for homework for Summer Term


Here you will find information about the year ahead, including an overview of what will be taught each term, your weekly homework and a helpful list of resources to help at home. I am really looking forward to teaching Year 6 this year! We have lots of exciting things to look forward to.  

If there is anything you wish to discuss in more detail, please contact the office to arrange an appointment with myself or send me an email via

A Few Reminders:

PE: Children have PE every Tuesday and Thursday this half term. Children should come dressed in their PE kit on these days. 

Water: Children are encouraged to bring in a bottle of water each day which they can access at any time.  Please ensure your child’s name is on their bottle. 

Snack: If you wish to send in a snack, please make sure it is healthy - no chocolate, crisps or sweets. We are a nut free school. Snack can also be purchased from the school kitchen using credit on your child’s dinner money account.

The Curriculum 

For more information on what we will be doing in the Summer term please click here.

You can also have a look on SeeSaw to see what we're up to. 


In English we will be using the text Manfish and we will be reading great adventurers. 

Later in the term we will using Sky Chasers by Emma Carroll to aid our reading and writing.  



After SATs we will be looking into different projects to do with real world maths. Recipes, booking holidays and even taxes!


For more information on the curriculum - please find the year 6 overview here.


Homework and supporting schoolwork at home is more important than ever.  Our homework will continue the focus on spellings required for your child (Y3-6 words) and fluency of arithmetic skills. This will switch to a revision focus later in the year.  Reading remains the most important thing to do to support your child's learning. See the list of Recommended Y6 reads for ideas for good books at the right level.

Thank you,

Miss L Selby-Hughes


Below are links to sites which can be used to support your child's school learning.

Recommended Websites 

BBC Bitesize - with catchup lessons and coverage of this years' curriculum

Purple Mash - suitable for the whole curriculum

Cool Maths

Grammar Monster ideas for maths games

Spelling City- a fun spelling website which has games, spelling lists and tutorials for all year groups. 

Bug Club-  online reading at home.

50 Must Read Books for Year 6

100 books for Year 6 recommended by teachers



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Year 6: Events items

Rehearsal - Panto, by Mrs Segrott

KS2 Carol Concert, by Mrs Segrott

KS2 Carol Concert, by Mrs Segrott