
At Sandiway Primary School we take e-safety very seriously and teach it to children through computing lessons, specific presentations, assemblies and class circle times.

If you have concerns about how long your children are spending on online games, a useful video can be watched here. A helpsheet accompanying this video is also available at the bottom of this page.

Further advice and information can be found at: www.thinkuknow.co.uk

Another very useful website is: www.childnet.com Here you can find a lot of information about parental controls on laptops, tablets and 'iDevices'. There are some very useful 'conversation starters' that can help discussions with your children at home about their online viewing (see the parents section).

www.theparentzone.co.uk is also a great resource to support you.

Don't forget that you internet service provider can also provide you with support and filtering for your internet content coming into you home. This also applies to mobile phone networks.

Below, you can download documents that may help you and your family use popular apps, devices and social media. There are two posters which you may want to print to display at home.


Files to Download