

The intent of the curriculum is the content we want children to learn and the sequence in which they encounter the curriculum.  If after reading the following information you wish to find out more about the curriculm Sandiway Primary School follows, please contact and our office team will direct your enquiry to the relevant teacher.

At Sandiway Primary School, our curriculum is driven by the need to prepare our children for lifelong learning and has been designed to reflect our school vision:


 Growing and Achieving Together

Together, we take our children on a journey that is engaging, exciting and empowering for all.

Our planned curriculum is organised to promote a love of learning, growth and development.



Our children have a clear purpose for their learning through high quality texts, reading opportunities and rich vocabulary development. Key learning is led through an enquiry approach to promote ownership, creativity and independence.


All children experience an ambitious, progressive curriculum that encourages resilience, challenge and a passion for learning. Exciting opportunities support and drive learning; inspirational real life experiences, learning outside the classroom and whole school projects.


Our children are global citizens who are provided with the cultural capital they need to be successful in the next phase of their education and beyond. This in turn, ensures that our children are confident individuals who are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need in order to become lifelong learners.



Whole School Curriculum Intent:



Year One

Year Two

Year Three

Autumn Autumn Autumn
Spring Spring Spring
Summer Summer Summer

Year Four

Year Five

Year Six

Autumn Autumn Autumn
Spring Spring Spring
Summer Summer Summer



Our Philosophy:

To inspire children’s thirst for knowledge, skills development and curiosity about the world around us by:

  • Using the National Curriculum as a basis for our Curriculum design. The national curriculum in England - Framework document (
  • Following bespoke curriculum designs in each subject with schema being followed or elements taken from schemes in some subjects.
  • Discrete teaching of skills and knowledge to ensure subject disciplines are strong.
  • Explicitly teaching skills and giving children opportunity to practise and apply.
  • Providing an ambitious, progressive curriculum in both knowledge and skills.
  • Ensuring an enquiry approaches promotes resilience, creativity, innovation and independence.
  • Reading is prioritised across the curriculum.
  • Developing children’s vocabulary in meaningful and progressive steps.
  • Studying a diverse range of professionals who are significant in their field, including those with a British Heritage, those from different cultures, time periods and different traditions. Ensuring children have the cultural capital they need to flourish as independent successful individuals.
  • Ensuring there are opportunities to return to previous learning so that it is embedded in the long-term memory allowing new learning to be built upon strong foundations.
  • Cross curricular links are made only where appropriate and tenable.
  • Providing high quality modelling and scaffolding that leads to independence by allowing for the exploration of ideas and production of high-quality work.
  • Termly enquiry-based questions are set in most subjects for the children to explore, giving them opportunity to experiment, practise and reflect on their learning.
  • Encouraging children to be tolerant and responsible citizens through the understanding that everyone is unique and therefore commands respect.  The curriculum works in unison with the Personal Development of our children.

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