Design Technology

Growing and Achieving Together

in Design and Technology

In DT, we take our children on a journey that is engaging, exciting and empowering for all.


What is Design and Technology?

"Design is a funny word. Some people think design means how it looks. But of course, if you look deeper, it's really how it works."

Steve Jobs


"Technology makes possibilities. Design makes solutions."

John Maeda


At Sandiway Primary School:

By the time our pupils leave Sandiway they are skilful designers. They develop a secure knowledge and the skills to design, investigate and evaluate their own products and that of others. Our progressive, enquiry-based curriculum engages, excites and empowers our pupils as innovators.


Intent, Implementation and Impact

Whole School Overview

(Long Term Plan)

Planned Learning Sequence

(Medium Term Plan)


Web page updated September 2023

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