Year 2 2023 - 2024

Mrs Sparks


Welcome to Year Two!

Our Year Two Team..

Mrs Sparks is the Class Teacher. 

Mrs Tucker will be teaching Music and Me and My World every Wednesday afternoon alongside Mr Ault and Mr Coleclough who will be teaching PE on Tuesday mornings and Thursday afternoons. 

Homework: Please click here for this weeks homework sheet. I have also attached a copy of our spelling overview for Summer 2 too.

Welcome to our Year Two class page. Here you will find all the information about our class and the year ahead including our weekly timetable with our daily routines, curriculum overviews and homework. For more information about what is taught in Year Two, you might also want to have a look at the curriculum pages of the website. 

If you have a child in Year Two, we will be uploading snap shots of our learning onto Seesaw. So keep checking in when you can.

We love to learn and read in Year 2, I am passionate about books and love our daily read aloud sessions which we share together after lunch as a class.  Year Two will be exploring a beautiful collection of fiction texts and poetry this half term. The children will have the opportunity to choose which book we will be reading next.

Year 2 Summer 2 Read Alouds...


greta and the giants.jpg


barnabus project.jfif

first book of the sea blown away.jpg   once there were giants.jpg




"There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate loot on Treasure Island." Walt Disney

Reading for pleasure is very important in Year Two, there is nothing better than becoming lost in a wonderful book. All the children are encouraged to read across the curriculum and at every opportunity. This term we have whole class shared reading every Wedensday morning and guided reading Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays. Please make sure reading records are brought into school every day.


Key Information Spring Term:

PE: Year Two have PE this term on Tuesday and Thursday. Children should come ready dressed in their PE kit on these days. 

Water: Children are encouraged to bring in a bottle of water each day which they can access at any time.  Please ensure bottles are named.  

Snack: Children are encouraged to bring in a healthy snack for our morning playtimes or children may choose to order a snack from the kitchen. If you would like to send in your own snack then please make sure it is healthy. No chocolate, crisps or sweets please. We are a nut free school. KS1 children are provided with a piece of fruit at afternoon playtime.

Summer Term Timetable

summer timetable 24.JPG

(the above timetable is an example and can be subject to change)

For more detail about the all the subjects and themes we will be covering throughout the year, please see the attached Year 2 Curriculum Overview for parents in the downloadable files below.

Summer Term 2024


For the first half of the Summer term we will be reading Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl during our reading sessions. In English we will be finishing the work we started on our wonderful book My Name is Not Refugee and then move onto The Last Wolf by Mini Grey.

fantastic mr fox.PNG the Last Wolf.JPG

For the second half of the Summer term we will be exploring traditional fairy tales by the Grimm brothers during our reading sessions. In English we will be reading a beautiful adventure book called Grandad's Secret Giant by David Litchfield.

Grimm.JPG grandads secret giant.PNG

Please take a look at our Summer Term Curriculum Overview for additional information.


Homework is set every Thursday and is due in the following Tuesday.  Please see the guidance attached in the files below and you can also find this on the inside cover of your homework book.

Our homework will concentrate on reading, spellings and maths activities or games. Remember to log on to TT Rock Stars too.


If there is anything you wish to discuss in more detail, please contact the office to arrange an appointment with myself or send me an email via

I have uploaded some additional resources you might find useful at home to help your child during our time together in Year 2.

Grow and Achieve together! 

Mrs Sparks


Updated: 28/02/2024

Useful Websites

Maths Reading Spelling Other
Hit the button Mental maths practise Oxford Owl Spelling City Draw with Rob Biddulph
Learn to Count with fun Counting Games for KS1 Children ( 

Collins ebooks


Spelling - KS1 English - BBC Bitesize Science Investigations
1-Minute Maths App | White Rose Maths Book list - First Chapter Books ( Words and Spelling, English Games for 5-7 Years - Topmarks  
Times table practise      



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Forest School, by Mrs Segrott

Forest School, by Mrs Segrott

Forest School, by Mrs Segrott