Reception 2023 - 2024

Mrs Forsyth

Mrs Penney

Mrs Gotting

Miss Dalton

Mrs Tucker

  Reception Class Page 

We love EYFS. We love helping you learn. We love watching you grow. We love being part of your journey.



A huge welcome to Sandiway Primary school and to Reception.  This page will give you lots of information although you will be updated regularly through emails and our online learning book, Seesaw.

In our classroom, you will find Mrs Forsyth (Tuesday-Friday) and Mrs Gotting (Monday), Mrs Penney and Miss Dalton. 

Mrs Forsyth and Mrs Gotting are the class teachers. They are  supported by Mrs Penney and Miss Dalton who are the fabulous teaching assistants.

Mrs Tucker will join us on a Thursday to teach some wonderful music as well as some R.E. Mr Ault will teach a PE session on  Thursday.

Bunnies By The Bay - Look for the magic ? . . . . #bunniesbythebay  #givegladdreams #bunnylove #quoteoftheday #seemagic #kindness #bekind |  Facebook

Your child will love being at Sandiway and the range of activities and learning opportunities will excite and engage them daily. I have included our whole school planning grid as a file at the bottom of this page or you can click on the link here.

                                                             Long Term Plan - EYFS 2024 

Please click on the link and see what we will be covering in our Spring term. We can't wait to have more adventures this term.

                                                                 Summer term planning 


Some more information to help you:

Online journey-This year we will continue to use Seesaw and I will send a link for you to join our online learning journal. We use this to share your child’s learning achievements throughout the day. (When they come home and say they have done nothing). I would also love you to share your child’s adventures by posting photographs and updates from the weekend. We love sharing these with your children and it is a great opportunity if your child finds it difficult to communicate in a larger group. 

seesaw.jpgBaseline - In the first six weeks of  the Autumn half term your child will complete a statutory baseline from the Government. This is all online and children work 1-1 with a teaching assistant. We will also complete a Wellcomm screening which is a language toolkit which helps to identify areas in language, communication and interaction.  Alongside this we will play and interact with your child and look at the next steps that are needed to help them on their school journey. We want the children to feel secure with all the adults in the classroom and become more confident in the class routines as well as making new friends along the way.

Group of happy children raises hands up. Children`s hands with painted colorful palms and painted smiling faces. Joy, success, school, education, happy stock photos

Below you will see our Intent, Implementation and Impact of how we will instil a love of learning in your child as they start at Sandiway Primary school.  



At Sandiway Primary school we provide a high quality EYFS education giving children a secure and confident start to their school life. We are committed to nurturing a lifelong love of learning alongside the aims of the EYFS statutory Framework. The EYFS stage is crucial in securing solid foundations that our children continue to build upon. We strive for high standards, consider the development of the whole child and seek to foster resilience and independence. We believe that all children deserve to be valued as an individual and we are passionate in allowing all children to achieve their full, unique potential. We are inclusive and welcoming to all.

We begin each year by looking at the individual needs of all our children. We take into account their different starting points and carefully develop our EYFS provision to ensure that it suitable for their unique needs and stages of development. A statutory baseline is completed in the first few weeks. Please click on the link and read more about this. Reception Baseline Assessment. We will also observe your child in the first few weeks of school to gather information that can be used to assess your children on entry in their level of development. These observations highlight strengths and next steps for your child.

Our practice in EYFS is led by the four guiding principles.

Principles of the EYFS



EYFS characteristics of learning

The characteristics of effective learning underpin learning and development across all areas and support the child to remain an effective and motivated learner. In our classroom, you may see children playing alone or with their peers, deciding on resources and choosing how to spend their time. You may see a child playing and listening to an adult who is modelling how to achieve something or teaching a new skill that interests a child. The new statutory framework does not prescribe a particular teaching approach, but an effective pedagogy is a mix of different approaches. There is a combination of adult led, teacher taught sessions as well as a wealth of stimulating continuous provision opportunities when adults scaffold learning through skilful interactions and questioning.

All of the crucial skills, knowledge and vocabulary that we teach are presented to the children throughout the year. These encompass a range of topics, which are designed with their interests in mind and supporting children to develop their experience and knowledge across a range of themes. Our learning environments, both inside and outside are also adapted regularly to meet the different and developing needs of the children. We aim to ensure that these areas are always stimulating and exciting, and more importantly they are accessible and challenge all children, regardless of where they are in their developmental journey.

Within our EYFS, children are assessed continuously through accurate and specific observations. These provide us with information for immediate and future planning. Observations ensure that learning is embedded and consistent and that all children continue to make outstanding progress. This year we will continue to use Seesaw to build online journals of evidence to demonstrate the children’s learning and progress over time.  Evidence of learning will also be recorded through our WOW wall and displays


EYFS prime areas

By the end of the Early Years Foundation stage we aim for all children to have reached their personal best and have achieved outstanding progress. A good level of development, GLD demonstrates that the child has achieved the Early learning Goals in the Prime areas (Communication and language, Physical development and Personal, Social and Emotional development) and in the Specific areas of Literacy and Mathematics. By focusing on the characteristics of effective learning we strive to promote resilience, motivation and appropriate risk taking and problem solving. This supports the child’s independence and builds on key skills that they will need throughout their life.

All planning is held centrally in the EYFS curriculum file on TEAMS.





















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KS1 Dress Rehearsal, by Mrs Segrott

KS1 Production, by Mrs Segrott

KS1 Production, by Mrs Segrott