Year 1 2023 - 2024

Mrs Harvey

Mrs Gotting

Mrs Tucker

Welcome to Year One!

A warm welcome to the Year One class page where you will find information about the term ahead, including a sample of our timetable, an overview of what will be taught each term and your weekly homework.  For more information about what is taught in Year One, you might also want to have a look at the curriculum pages of the website. 

If you have a child in Year One, do keep up-to-date with what we have been doing by logging into Seesaw. 

Holiday Ideas for the Summer for Y1 going into Y2

Phase 3 Phonics Mat

Phase 5 Phonics Mat

Harder to Read and Spell Words

The Year One Team

Mrs Harvey is the main class teacher for Year One this year.  Mrs Gotting teaches Year One on a Thursday.  Mrs Tucker will also be teaching in class.  You may like to have a look at the Who's Who page of the website.

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We also have support from our Teaching Assistants across the week at different times.

We have a strong and enthusiastic team working together in Year One.  We are all passionate about the development of young children academically, socially and emotionally and we are all excited to

Grow and Achieve together with our children in Year One this year.

Mr Ault, our sports coach will be working with the class on Thursdays this half term and Mr Coleclough (our trust Sports specialist) will also be working with Y1 children in this summer term.

Please do have a read of our planned Year One overview

Year One Curriculum

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Year One Autumn Term Curriculum   Year One Spring Term Curriculum      Year One Summer Term Curriculum


See the source image



Reading will continue to be a school priority. All children are encouraged to read across the curriculum and at every opportunity.


Our Super Six:

Every day, we enjoy listening to a selection of books that become increasingly familiar to us.  Over this half term we will be enjoying:

Summer 1 Y1 Super Six.PNG

We thoroughly enjoyed our recent visit to Eureka Science and Discovery Centre on the Wirral:

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Year One enjoyed a day of exploration and hands on experiences at Eureka Science and Discovery centre on the Wirral.  We learnt about how our bodies work and enjoyed the ‘Gross Lab’ where we found out about how important body liquids are for looking after our bodies.  We then investigated science in our homes and finished with the fascinating world of nature.  The centre staff looked after us so well and said the behaviour of our children was amazing.  They were also really impressed with how inquisitive our children were, asking questions with a clear thirst for knowledge.  Harvey in Y1 said “It was a really fun trip because we had to use a bike to see how strong our muscles are” and Lydia said “It was good because we learnt more about science”.


Look at us enjoying our recent art day!

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We enjoyed learning about how animals can be portrayed in art.  We saw animals in paintings, drawings, collage, prints, sculpture.  We then saw how designers use animals in fashion and in designs for wallpaper.  We used the work of Damien Hirst's Butterflies to inspire our own work on designing patterns.  We then took this into sculpture and made our own clay mini-beasts by pulling, rollings, squashing and bending the clay.  



We are very busy in Year One.  We do lots of short focussed learning and we keep moving.  Here is a sample timetable to give you an idea of what we get up to on a daily basis:

timetable summer Y1.PNG


A few reminders:

PE: Children have PE on Tuesday and Thursday this half term. Children should come dressed in their PE kit on these days.

Children also have Forest School in the afternoon on Thursdays this half term. Children should wear PE kit and bring additional layers as set out in the Kit list sent home to parents.

Water: Children are encouraged to bring in a bottle of water each day which they can access at any time. Please ensure your child’s name is on their bottle.

Snack: KS1 children are offered a piece of fruit during the afternoon. If you would like to send an alternative snack for your child, please make sure it is healthy. No chocolate, crisps or sweets please (we are a nut-free school).

Spring Term

We love investigating a range of exciting books in Year One. During the first half of the Spring term, in English, we completed our work on 'Nibbles the Book Monster' and then progressed on to 'Toys in Space' by Mini Grey which we enjoyed recreating in our adapted stories.  We have also explored 'Beegu' by Alexis Deacon and thought about how we would welcome people into our class and our school.  We wanted to make sure other children did not feel like Beegu had felt.

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Useful websites:

Login (

White Rose Minute Maths App (this is free to download)

Phonics Play

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Year 1: Events items

KS1 Dress Rehearsal, by Mrs Segrott

KS1 Production, by Mrs Segrott

KS1 Production, by Mrs Segrott

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