Year 4 2023 - 2024

Mr Graham

Welcome to Year Four(1).pngSummer.png


botanical.jpgA huge welcome to Year Four class pagebotanical - Copy.jpg


Our Year Four Team...

Mr Graham is the Class Teacher. 

Mrs Tucker teaches RE every Thursday morning and Mr Coleclough will teach PE (Athletics)

Mrs McCann is our wonderful Teaching Assistant. 


Here you will find all the information you need to know about the fantastic year we have ahead of us! 

I am super excited to be a part of the Sandiway team this year! 


phone email.png If you have any questions thorughout the year reguarding Year Four or wish to discuss anything with me please contact the office to arrange an appointment with myself or send an email via


Year 4 Residential Information:

Ironbridge Residential 22nd – 24th April 2024

(For more information see PowerPoint Below)

Iron Bridge photo 1.pngIron Bridge photo 2.png





Year 4 Summer Term - Readalouds...

Once you have read a book you care about, some part of it is always with you.” - Louis L’Amour

Summer 1 Readalouds.png


* What is the impact of reading? *








A few notes for the Summer-1 Term:


PE: Children will now have PE every Monday (Tag Rugby 1:10 - 2:10pm) and Thursday with Mr Coleclough (Athletics  - 10:45am - 12:00pm). Children should come dressed in their PE kit on these days. 

Water: Children are encouraged to bring in a bottle of water each day which they can access at any time.  Please ensure your child’s name is on their bottle, it will be sent home each afternoon.  

Snack: You may wish to send in a snack, please make sure it is healthy, no chocolate, crisps or sweets (We are a nut free school).

TTRS: Please remember to practise your Timetables on TTRock Stars. There is a handy parent guide on the links below. This is part of our Homework. 



Homework will be sent home every Thursday and is due in the following Tuesday. Please see the guidance attached in the files below for further information on homework. This includes Reading Records. 

- Please click here for this week's Homework -


Overview for Summer 1:

For details all about the subjects we will be covering, please see the attached Year 4 Curriculum Overview for parents in the downloadable files below.


Mr Graham   

Timetable - Summer 1 (2024)

Website Summer Timetable .png




During Summer 1, in Year Four maths we will be focusing on these areas:

  • Fraction
  • Decimals
  • Money 
  • Statistics 

Summer maths Coverage .png


Other Curriculum Areas:

For other curriculum areas we will be covering in Spring please see the Year 4 Summer Overview. For more details on what we will be covering throughout this year these can be found in the files section below: Year 4: Whole Curriculum Overview as well as termly overviews. In addition, please find a range of documents below which will be helpful in supporting your childs learning this year such as key spellings and expectations.


The Growth Mindset:

In my own teaching, I am a great believer in the power of positivity and the growth mindset. The growth mindset plays a huge part in our learning. This mindset allows us to change our language which helps us to change an outcome. Hopefully it won't be long before your children begin to use the langauge 'I can't do it YET' and 'mistakes make my brain grow!' Here's a little video to explain it a little more (your children will become very familiar with Mojo!).





Files to Download

Year 4: News items

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Year 4: Blog items

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Year 4: Gallery items

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Year 4: Events items

Swimming, by Mrs Segrott

Swimming, by Mrs Segrott

Swimming, by Mrs Segrott