SEND/Additional Support

Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND)

The School's Lead for SEND is Mrs Clare Forsyth

Every child at Sandiway Primary School is respected as an individual and wherever possible, teaching occurs within the normal classroom situation. However, there may be occasions during a child’s development where extra support is necessary. In such cases, a special programme is developed to help the child overcome the difficulties that he/she faces and extra support is provided where appropriate. In consultation with parents, a plan is drawn up to help the child progress. This progress is continually reviewed and teaching strategies modified, in line with plan,do,assess and review.

Details of the SEND provision for Sandiway Primary School can be downloaded below.


Please also refer to information about Equality and Diversity

"Avoiding discrimination and promoting equality supports the agenda of improving attainment and progression for all pupils. Good education and skills are crucial for opening up opportunities and increasing the chance of a successful life." The Equality Act 2010


The Local Authority's Local Offer

Each Local Authority is required to publish a 'Local Offer' - details of how young people are supported in the Borough. The Local Offer website provides information for children and young people with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) and their parents or carers, in a single place. It includes information from a range of local agencies, including education, health and social care. Knowing what is out there gives you more choice and therefore more control over what support is right for your child.

This website can be found at

Cheshire West and Chester have a Parent and Carer forum where help,  support and a monthly newsletter are available. -

Files to Download