Curriculum Implementation

This is how the curriculum is implemented:

?      We use a bespoke curriculum designed in each subject with schema being followed or elements taken from schemes in some subjects.

?       Discrete teaching of skills and knowledge ensures subject disciplines are strong.

?       Children use prior experiences to then build on new skills.  This is done through retrieval practise. 

?       The acquisition of skills and knowledge is practised and applied (Either in books or where work is practical, it may be evidenced on the Seesaw app).

?       Opportunities are provided for both independent and collaborative work

?       Lessons have planned reading opportunities within them.

?       Vocabulary development is included within lessons.

?       Children are exposed to professionals and events that are significant in specific subjects to enable strong cultural capital.

?       Where possible, work alongside the local community to link with local shops, church, families, other schools, professionals, celebrations and events to further enrich the children's experiences of the different subjects.

?       Extra-curricular clubs are offered to further prompt a passion and curiosity for continued learning.

Our Teaching and Learning Policy


This is what adults do:

?       Take account of the children’s starting points and build on what they already know.

?       Positive modelling within subject areas, encouraging an environment where everyone is successful.

?       Model and scaffold new learning 

?       Explicitly model how to evaluate and analyse work.

?       Create a learning environment rich in resources that support learning.

?       Monitor progress.

?       Model appropriate use of vocabulary.

?       Engage in CPD to ensure subject knowledge is good.

?       Regular retrieval practise of previous learning and effective questioning to ensure learning is memorable.


This is how we support and ensure access for all children:

?       The curriculum is equitable and appropriate for all groups of children ensuring full access and parity for all.

?       Small group/1:1 adult support given where required.

?       Classrooms demonstrate inclusive practice.

?       SEND plans (including reasonable adjustments, learning passports, SEND Profiles and EHCP) are followed. 

?       Intervention is planned for to support those that are not on track.

?       A range of equipment and resources are available to ensure success for all pupils.

?       We use teacher and self-assessment to quickly identify any child who requires additional support in specific skills.


This is how we challenge:

?       Identify and account for prior knowledge

?       Adaptation (breadth) of outcomes is planned for

?       Provide less modelling and scaffolding

?       Through the level of questioning

?       Include more complex terminology

?       Encourage children to take a different viewpoint

?       Small group or 1:1 feedback to further challenge

?       Open-ended tasks

?       Encouraging self-evaluation and testing of ideas

?       Peer learning

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